How to Get the Most Out of Walking

How to Get the Most Out of Walking

Previously we discussed the evidence-based benefits of walking as a healthy way to increase physical activity. Every exercise or sport has a correct form for engaging in that activity. Believe it or not, walking does too.

Our friends at Harvard have suggested 6 Tips for proper walking form so you can get the most benefit out of the time you spend walking(1):

  1. Stand tall as you walk; you’re not hunched over your computer, you’re walking.

  2. Keep your eyes up, looking ahead of you, instead of down at your feet.

  3. Keep your shoulders back, down and relaxed.

  4. Swing your arms from your shoulders not your elbows.

  5. Maintain a neutral pelvis. In other words, don’t overarch your back or stick out your belly.

  6. Step lightly, rolling from heel to toe with each step.

It takes time to learn the correct technique for any kind of physical activity, so don’t be frustrated if you can’t do all these things at once. Each little improvement will benefit over time, so just get out there and enjoy walking.   



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