Rural Lifestyle Medicine Pilot Program

Grantee: Lake Region Healthcare Corporation

Year Funded: 2023

Amount: $31,500.00

Report Status: Report not posted

Related Content: none

Project Summary: Lifestyle Medicine (LM) is the foundational approach to addressing chronic disease, the leading cause of death in the US. Our project aims to enhance our LM practice, improve its effectiveness in promoting and supporting sustainable and proven lifestyle interventions, and make it more accessible to our rural community. To achieve this goal, we need to strengthen our infrastructure through education and networking, purchase of technology, and offering nutrition education.

Our proposal includes LM certification through the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine of our providers and health professionals and sending team members to the Lifestyle Medicine Conference (LMC). The training will expand our LM team’s scope of practice and help them better coordinate patient care. Additionally, attending the LMC will help our team build professional relationships that will help us grow our LM practice.

We will purchase videoconferencing equipment allowing our LM team to offer their services virtually and expand access to care. We will also be piloting WHOOP, a fitness tracker, and use the data obtained to supplement our LM intervention and help our patients optimize their health. Lastly, we will partner with our local community stakeholders to offer hands-on learning labs to show people how to grow, prep, and cook vegetables and how to effectively shop to stock a healthy pantry.

Through our project, we expect to improve health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and access to LM services.


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